Haus der Fotografie Wien
Fotoausstellungen in Wien

Rechte Wienzeile 85, 1050 Wien | Tel: 01/890 41 46 | E-Mail | Öffnungszeiten: Mo-Do, 14 - 19 Uhr, Fr 10 - 14 Uhr

Fotoausstellung Unspoiled Nature - Checkpoint

Fotografien von Martin Ludl

Fotoausstellung im Dock7
Kirchengasse 43, 1070 Wien

Vernissage: 07.11.2018, 19.00 Uhr

Ausstellungsdauer und Öffnungszeiten: 07.11.2018 - 17.11.2018; Mi - Fr 11:00 bis 19:00 Uhr, Sa 13:00 bis 17:00 Uhr

Eintritt frei.


Zum Projekt

"A window to another time, when the view was unspoiled."


The series “Unspoiled Nature“ is the result of a 7 year journey to find a true emotional

nature of a scenery. The photographs release a dreamy and, at the same time, wistful

look into the past. Moments, which are captured in retro asthetic through the overstrain

of the analogue medium-format film (in the camera). The use of infrared film enhances

the dreaminess of the photographs even more and adds an interesting edge. The

scenery of apparently bygone days is transferred to the modern present by the choice

of the carrier material brushed Alu-Dibond Butlerfinish®. The viewer of the

photographs are given their own perspective of the captured moment by shifting the

viewing angle (and the associated light) for experiencing their own retrospective.


The photo series “Unspoiled Nature“ include 20 elaborations, 16 photographs in 50 x 50cm and 4 photographs in 100 x 45cm.