Photography by Dr.Eva-Marie Hild
Photography Exhibition at Atelier El-Kordy
Baumgartenstraße 48, 1140 Vienna
Opening: Thursday, 03.11.2016, 7pm
Opening Hours: 03.11. - 01.12.2016; Thursday 6 - 8pm
Admission free.
The photographer wants to first refer to Rosalind Krauss' work about the Index 1. Rosalind Krauss points out that many artists work in reference to an index. She explains this with a look at Lacan's work, who deals with the imaginative and the symbolic. The imaginative is connected with the self-recognition of oneself in the mirror, which Lacan places as atemporal and symbolic, and can only be applied after fully developed language skills. Krauss shows that an artist needs to speak a universal language so that the meaning of his art, even though it is at first only imagined and the community understanding is only secondary, both parts, the imaginative and the symbolic, is important.
Three installations, each corresponding with the different meaning of the topic “viewpoints”, were created by the photographer:
- The first installation is called “grassroots”. Grassroots comes from the American and means as much as “from the base”. For this subject the photographer uses an image of shadows on a lawn and images of dolls, which represent the different forms of communication and with that the anchorage in society.
- The second installation is named “keepgoing” . The images show different physical viewpoints.
- The third installation is called “reading” and deals with our social and cultural perception in society. In our society we read from left to right, which we also do with photo installations. A look to the left means the past, a look to the right the future. Through her work of flowers pictured with a distortion lens, she wants to show exactly that.
The goal of the photographer is to show photography is art. Still it can refer to the logic of the Index and on this level speak to the audience and invite them into a dialogue.
Dr. Eva-Marie Katharina Hild
Artist statement “What we see is defined by our awareness. The image consists of parts of an outer space, which I can see and because of that experience, and make it my own. As a logical consequence I use double exposure to bring the inner and outer space closer together.”
Eva-Marie Hild is a general practitioner, psychotherapist and art photographer. It was always important to her to paint with her camera and tell stories through her art. She learned this from an early age on from painter, cameraman and previous teacher at the University of Applied Arts, Kurt Jermar.
In 2009 Robert Redford and his team, encouraged the photographic talent to educate herself further and become a freelance art photographer.