The off-festival vienna, launched at the initiative of the House of Photography in 2014, is dedicated to a specific theme and is held annually in November. The off-festival vienna stands for an open discourse and public discussion on diverse aspects and forms of photography at the present time. The off-festival vienna doesn’t build an artificial distinction between art and commerce, nor does it limit itself to any particular category of artistic photography. In this way the off-festival vienna sees itself as an open forum for photography, which aims to present a diverse and multilayered range of photography from Austria and neighbouring countries. 2014 focussed on the theme „(N)o Art!“, 2015 "Retro" and 2016 on "Viewpoints".
The forthcoming off-festival vienna is dedicated to the theme "CONTEMPORARY". You can submit any photographic projects that deal creatively or content-related with the subject "CONTEMPORARY". The House of Photography Vienna is looking forward to all submissions.
As interested photographer you have got 2 different possibilities to take part in the off-festival 2018:
1. You can send a selection of photographs for the opening exhibition "CONTEMPORARY", dedicated to the subject. If one or more of your photographs are selected, you will take part as an exhibiting photographer in the opening exhibition, which is organized by the House of Photography Vienna. The opening exhibition is not part of the competition and is therefore not submitted to the off-festival award. For further information look to the button Open Call.
2. If you have got a photographic project, that fits to the subject of this year's off-festival "CONTEMPORARY", you can hand in an own photography exhibition for the off-festival vienna. An application can be submitted until Monday, 08.10.2018. All photographers, who have got a finished photo project as well as an exhibition space in Vienna, where the photo project can be shown publicly are eligible to apply to take part in the festival. The exhibition space can but need not be an "official" photography gallery, but also a coffee house/bar, shop or another location, that is open for the public. The photography exhibition must take place after the festival opening on 02.11.2018 and during the off-festival vienna timeframe from 02.11.-16.12.2018. A registration fee of €25,-/solo exhibitions and €50,-/group exhibition is to be paid upon submission of the application to the off-festival.
The off-festival vienna takes care for the advertisement of all accepted photography exhibitions on the homepage and facebook-page of the House of Photography Vienna. An additional financial support for the realisation of individual photography exhibitions is not possible. The off-festival vienna will award a EUR 1.000, - prize to the best photo project shown as part of the off-festival vienna. This will be selected from all participating photographers. A jury made up of experts from the world of photography will select and award the most impressive exhibited photo project at the end of the off-festival vienna. The jury's decision will be based upon subjective criteria. There is no right of appeal.
The joint opening celebration of the off-festival vienna will take place on Friday, 02.11.2018, from 7pm in PhotoQuarter Vienna, Margaretenstraße 127, 1050 Vienna with the exhibition "CONTEMPORARY". The off-festival vienna will take place from Friday 02.11. until Sunday 16.12.2018.